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Sex Toy Experience: from first use to enjoyment

by wRuby 29 Oct 2024 0 Comments

sex toy experience: from first use to enjoyment

Sex toy experience

Hi there! Today I want to share my experience. We will tell you in detail how to use it for the first time and how to enjoy it better. Whether you are a beginner or you are already using it, you can refer to it.

What is sex toy?

A sex toy is a tool for sexual pleasure that comes in a variety of shapes and materials. It is a program that can be enjoyed by both men and women. If you like super pleasurable pleasure with special treatment, you should try this one, it's super fun and super orgasmic stimulation!

Sex Toy Types

There are many different products on the market with different shapes and functions. Some have vibrating features and reproduce realistic textures. However, in my opinion, these ones with realistic textures may not be suitable for beginners. A smooth surface is recommended

How to choose

The history of these is very old and their existence was recorded in ancient civilizations. Until today, technology and design have evolved and many products have become more comfortable and safe. But when something with an odd shape or special design comes to you, do you choose it by its appearance?

Size and Material

There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing the right product for you. Let's take a closer look at size, material and function.

Function and Form

Depending on the size and material, the feel will vary. If you are a beginner, we recommend trying smaller sizes and softer materials.

virgin sex

Sex toys come in a variety of options, including vibrating and specific shapes. It's important to know what each product has to offer before you choose. Using a sex toy for the first time can be a bit mind-numbing, but if you're ready, you don't have to worry.

Here are my impressions from actually using the sex toy.

Impressions of using it for the first time

If this is your first time using a sex toy, you need to be relaxed and prepared. Use lubricant and try it slowly. Be careful not to penetrate too deeply at once and start your sexual journey step by step. As your body gradually moves into a phase of relaxation and enjoyment, the overall pleasure becomes very natural and the process of using becomes easier. HOW TO SPREAD THE FUN To enjoy more, it is effective to use different styles of play and share them with your partner.

Health Management

For safe use, be sure to observe the following points: How to use correctly Be sure to clean before and after use. It is important to keep it clean with special cleaners or soapy water.

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